Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Happiness each day

 Studying sport psychology for my masters degree has allowed me to learn so many new theories and also to create new strategies that I can now use with my athletes.  I have read more in the last 2 months than I have in the last 10 years, yet in all that I've read since September 9th, few statements have caught my eye like the following quote: 

"Happiness comes from embracing magic moments every day."
- Terry Orlick, from Positive living skills: Joy and foucs for everyone

I love the simplicity of the quote.  So often we look so broadly, at what big thing we need to accomplish to "get there" and the be happy.  Yet, in this quote Orlick reminds us that we can find happiness daily, from the little magic moments.  In his book, Orlick goes on to speak about looking for "highlights" in your day - he explains this task to be the same as a student taking a highlighter to his/her textbook to pick out the main points, we can highlight our day with our magic moments.  I don't know about you, but just thinking of that makes me smile :D

Coach Kara

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