Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Set your Mind-set!

mind·set or mind-set (mndst) n.
  1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.
  2. An inclination or a habit.

What mindset do you have towards your performance? How do different environments impact your performance? What mindset has you perform your best?

You might have certain habits of feeling and acting that pop up at the same time or in the same environments. The important thing to note is when and where this happens. It is your awareness that will first have you shift your mindset, because without it it, it's like your driving in the dark without headlights!

Once you are aware that your mindset isn't serving you, the next step is to choose how you want to feel and take actions consistent with that. Just like training any new habit, training a new mindset takes repetition and time. Be patient with yourself - the results are completely worth it!

Coach Kara

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