Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Take the Uncharted Path

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
How easy it is to follow the beaten path, merrily going about your life the same as the day before without much thought, effort, or expansion.  Sure, certain things bother you, sure there are things that you could do better, but to do something about it would take risk, uncertainty, and could even lead to failure! 

When presented with the opportunity to leave your own trail - where there is no path except the one you create in the moment - how often do you shy away from the opportunity for fear of risk, uncertainty, and failure?  

To take the uncharted path requires a leap of faith and it's often uncomfortable.  The same way that your muscles are sore after a new workout regime, so too is any new pattern in life uncomfortable.  It is so much easier to follow the path that you know; however, this limits you to reliving your same life and the same experiences over and over again.  The excitement goes away and the result is a certain numbness to life.  

The same is true in sport: unless you take the risk, unless you chance failure by trying something new, you are bound to make the same mistakes and become a slightly more trained version of the exact same athlete you were last year.

Yes, to "go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" can be scary and uncomfortable; however, to do so sets you up for a life of wonder and breakthrough performance.

So, where is your trail leading you today?

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Coach Kara

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